Monday, August 2, 2010

In The Begging

Here is a collection of digital rendered art by myself and others. I believe in the almost lost art of the print designer. Everything these days have moved onto the world wide web. No one realizes how we need the print designer. When we have ads at the supermarket, a print designer was behind it. A movie poster at your local theater, a soft drink cup, the list goes on. Not a lot of graphic artist are being taught how to design for the output. As the output these days are widescreen computers, or TV's. Design in it's pure form is very important to our daily life.

Every day when I'm out and about, I'm fascinated by design. I can pick up a box and ask myself what the creative team was thinking when they came up with this. Or, how can I improve this design, what would I have done differently.

I have two degrees in graphic design and have been doing digital art for more than a decade. But I have been and artist my whole life. I have written for both stage and screen, and performed in both. I am a painter, and model maker. Art is in all aspects of my life, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Art has been handed down to me by my mother, and various family members.

Enjoy this blog, comment on this blog, and on the designs. Comment on what you like and what you don't like. Lets create a dialogue about design, art, and all things that can change the way we look at the world.

This is Henry David, remember to do something creative this week.

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