All About Me

Henry Ballesteros, Art by James A. Kenning
Most, of my artistic ability that I have comes from my mother. She was the one who introduced all kinds of art to me as a child. Musicals, art, movies, everything, she herself doing all of this when she was young. I knew from the time I could speak that art would be my vocation; I would only need to know how to make a living out of it. There are too many starving artiest in this world, and to anyone who has seen me knows that I’m no starving artiest, nor do I intend to be one. I decided a long time ago that I wanted to make posters for movies and plays. I designed my pretend companies logos and branding.

After high school I was working on my own things, making movies with my friends, and trying to adjust to working a full time job without going to school. Graphics were still in the back of my mind and I was doing posters here and there for the movies I was making and a lot of other things. I called myself a graphic designer even thought I had no training and knowledge that I would need to get.

I had been considering going back to school at Eagle Gate College one year after high school, but it would take three and a half years before I would actually go back to school in graphic design. It did help that I had some background in graphics; I was able to pick up the programs quickly, which would leave more time for me to focus on the design aspect.

Art is a pleasure that all should indulge, for to be without it there cannot be life itself. I believe that we are to make this life better for the next generation that will follow, and in this world were schools are taking out arts in place of technical classes, there needs to be a place were anyone can go to have that artistic release. If the generation that follows leaves the arts behind will find it lost like the ancient languages, and life itself will become dull and without meaning. I hope to contribute to the world of art in any capacity that I can, may it be graphic design, theatrical, or on any medium. For art has played such a vital role in my life, and has made me who I am, along with the people who have been with me all these years.