James A. Kenning

Cover Art with The Burning Bush painting.
Here is a small preview of artwork that will soon be online. This art was created by James A. Kenning, my grandfather and a great inspiration to me and my art. He is a former dentist who lived in Hollywood California, then moved to Salt Lake City Utah. During his many years of being a dentist, and raising a family, he enjoyed painting scenes that were outside his window or memories of places he had been. 

All of the artwork has been compiled into a book which will showcase his paintings and will also be a catalogue of the many paintings he created. This insures that the many family members that do not have a particular painting will be able to have a high resolution print. Plus people will be able to have pints of paints they like, or family members who don't have the original.

Coming this November, "Kenning" will be made available to family members first. Then fallowing in January, those wishing to have the catalogue will have it made available.

For now, here is a very small sample of his art.

J.A. Kenning's Father's Boat

Watercolor of Europe